Kerala is renowned for its Ayurveda treatments and rejuvenation. Come unwind and get treated for your ailments with relaxing Ayurvedic therapy at resorts with the best Ayurveda facilities and certified doctors to care for you. Relax in resorts on beaches, float away on backwaters…
Ayurveda Treatments
- Kayakalpa (Rejuvenation) - 14 Days
- Slimming Programme - 4-28 Days
- Body Purification - 21-28 Days
- Stress Management Programme - 7 - 14 Days
- Beauty care - 7-14 Days
- Back & Neck Pain Clinic - 21 Days
- Developmental Disorders in Children Clinic - 21-28 Days

- It is called as “Rasayana Chikitsa” in Ayurveda.
- It tones up the skin & strengthens the body by penetrating deep into tissues & cells.
- The package includes abyangam(medicated oil massage) , shirodhara (pouring of medicated oil on forehead), shirothalam (keeping medicated paste on head), vasti (medicated enema), karna pooranam(pouring of medicated oil in ear) etc.
- This treatment increases satwa(mental clarity), ayu (longevity) & ojas (vitality & resistance power of the body).
- Internal rasayana dravyas(medications that help in rejuvenation) are also prescribed.
- Strict vegetarian diet.
- Here we aim at providing a complete detoxification therapy.
- The ‘ama’ (toxins) that are accumulated in the body are fully eliminated out through various Ayurvedic treatments along with internal herbal medications.
- Through this treatment the resistance power of the body increases thereby helping in prevention of any diseases that can occur in near future.
- This package includes snehapanam (drinking of medicated ghee), swedanam (sweating therapy), virechanam (internal herbal laxatives), nasyam ( medicated nasal drops), dhoopanam (inahaltion of medicated smoke) vasti (medicated enema), etc.
- Strict vegetarian diet.

- In Ayurveda this treatment is called as “Karshya Chikitsa”.
- Hence forth rukshana (dry) treatment is done here.
- It includes udwarthanam (dry medicated powder massage), dhanyamladhara (pouring of medicated liquid all over the body), snehapanam (drinking of medicated ghee), etc.
- We recommend special sreechitra diet to reduce the weight.
- Along with the above yoga, pranayama & dhyana (meditation) is also done.
- Internal herbal medications to reduce the excess weight thereby maintaining the health of the person is given.
- The package include herbal facepack, face massage, head massage, ksheerdhooma (steaming withmilk), nasyam (medicated nasal drops), abyangam (medicated oil massage).
- Nutritious vegetarian diet & fruits to nourish the skin.
- Internal herbal medications to remove the toxins in the body.
- Yoga,pranayama & dhyana to maintain the youthfulness & vitality of the person.

- For back pain & neck pain we do offer treatments like udwarthanam (medicated powder massage), podikizhi (medicated powder massage), patra pottali swedam ( bolus with herbal leaves), jambira pinda swedam (bolus with lemon), sashtika shali pinda swedam (bolus with navara rice),vasti (medicated enema), etc.
- For neck pain we have special treatments like greevapichu ( retaining of medicated oil), greev vasti (retaining of medicated oil), local kizhi (bolus massage locally), nasyam (medicated nasal drops ), etc.
- For backpain we offer kateepichu (medicated oil on lower back), kateevasti (retaining of medicated oil on lower back), etc.
- Internal herbal medications along with strict vegetarian diet.
- We include ayurvedic treatments like shiropichu (retaining of medicated oil on head), abyangam (medicated oil massage), pizhichil (pouring of medicated oil all over the body), navarakizhi (massage with paste of navara rice), choorna nasyam (medicated nasal powder), sneha vasti (medicated oil enema ), etc.
- Strict vegetatrian diet along with internal herbal medications.